You read that right. I’m officially seeking a fellow fat guy for a long-distance relationship (romance unwanted and unnecessary).

Here’s the thing…The Apple Watch has a nifty feature which I know little of. I’m essentially only aware of its existence: Sharing Rings.

It’s just another form of accountability and I believe the goal is to add people you know so you’ll have a whole new way to judge your friends. I intend to look into this tomorrow and see if there’s a way to be matched with a similar human walking a similar path. Might be kind of fun to have some transatlantic portly-pen-pal that I don’t actually have to communicate with, but can refuse to be outdone by. “Oh Fat Fjorg…you really screwed up today.”

Anyway….Back to reality:

Another 9Round day happens this week, we just haven’t decided which one. I say “we” because Brook will be joining me. I’m not sure if it will be something she’s into, but I do want her to see what a workout this place gives you. I’ll dread it up until the moment I get started…then I’ll hate it… then I’ll be proud of myself for doing it and want to go back for more.

I’ll keep you posted - Oh, and welcome to Week 8!

Walking Weather

Weather report: billings

       .--.     +39(33) °F
    .-(    ).   → 24 mph
   (___.__)__)  9 mi
                0.0 in

Current Stats

Weight Exercise Water
226.7 Core ~90 oz


238 lbs
11.7 of 53 lbs
185 lbs

Cover Photo by Andres Urena on Unsplash