Week 2 Results

As predicted, no movement in the scale this week. I feel like I’ve gained some muscle in my legs, so I’m hoping that has something to do with it. I’m currently wearing a shirt that previously looked like it was going to send a button or two flying across the room whenever I sat down; now it fits properly. Perhaps next week will be more dramatic. You hang in there…I’ll do the same....

January 14, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

Focus On The Wins

If you think a title like “Focus On The Wins” is just preparing you for the reality that there are some things not going my way, you’re a smart one. Tomorrow is the day I post my week 2 results. Of course, like you, the weight is the thing I tend to notice most. Well, I don’t think I moved the needle much this week, but I have some great things to keep me motivated:...

January 13, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

My M.R.I. Experience

This will be a quick one, but I did want to share a couple of things I learned today: An M.R.I. machine is only slightly wider than me. When the time comes, cremation may be the better option. I had to do 15 minutes in the tube today in order to find out what’s wrong with my shoulder. I’m usually pretty good at closing my eyes and putting myself somewhere else when I have to be in an uncomfortable situation, but that was a stretch today....

January 12, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

The Exit Plan

When I said I wouldn’t do Keto forever, some would likely assume that I’ve already failed…just making another trip on the Yo-Yo. I think the problem that I’ve had is not having a proper transition plan. This time, I’ll get it right. Keto is a deprivation diet. You deprive yourself of a certain category of foods which is comprised of both healthy and unhealthy options. It’s not just cakes, pies, pasta, and tacos that you’re giving up, but also many fruits and vegetables that are typically associated with a healthy diet....

January 12, 2023 · 3 min · Kris Edwards

The Dreaded Before Pic

I’m not sure why I dread this post so much, but I do. If you happen to be on a weight loss journey, you’re likely bigger or smaller than me…don’t worry about it. I say that because I’m about to complain about my appearance when I know there are plenty of people starting out with more to lose than me. I don’t mean to be discouraging. I don’t like pictures of me....

January 10, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

Sorry for the Lie

You may be tempted to make some sort of judgment about my workout area pictured above. Brook and I recently combined households; the house looks great…the garage is as pictured. My office became a bedroom for my daughter, and the room she vacated became my soon-to-be-stepdaughter’s room. The garage became the “staging area”. It currently looks like a staging area for that show Hoarders. Somewhere in the midst of this ode to Sanford and Son is my treadmill…which leads me to the subject of planning....

January 9, 2023 · 3 min · Kris Edwards

Quick Sunday Update

There will be minimal rambling from me today. We try to keep our Sundays family focused (it doesn’t always work out that way, but that’s always the goal). This morning I made a spinach, mushroom, bacon and chorizo fritada for breakfast. We ate, then headed to church. It was a great service today and I still have to write down my thoughts sometime before bed. After church, we somehow ended up at the Yellowstone County Animal Shelter, where we strongly considered adopting a dog named Archimedes....

January 8, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards