This will be a quick one, but I did want to share a couple of things I learned today:

  1. An M.R.I. machine is only slightly wider than me.
  2. When the time comes, cremation may be the better option.

I had to do 15 minutes in the tube today in order to find out what’s wrong with my shoulder. I’m usually pretty good at closing my eyes and putting myself somewhere else when I have to be in an uncomfortable situation, but that was a stretch today. I didn’t expect that my left arm would be touching the side of the machine, or that the roof of the machine would be less than 3 inches from the tip of my nose. It was a tight fit. I dealt with it, but was unhappy spending that 15 minutes in the dead-and-buried position. I think that will be my last M.R.I.

Enough complaining….you’re probably here just to see how fat I still am. Pretty much the same level of fatness. I’ll continue to post the numbers as promised, but the scale is stubborn this week.

Walking Weather

  \  /       Partly cloudy
_ /"".-.     +39(33) °F
  \_(   ).   ↗ 19 mph
  /(___(__)  9 mi
	     0.0 in

After the M.R.I. experience, I needed some fresh air, so I headed straight to Lake Elmo State Park for a morning walk.

Current Stats

Weight Exercise Water
232.2 2.2 miles ~128 oz