Kris vs The Fitness Center

Typically, I’d be more likely to use a hotel’s wall-mounted hair dryer than their fitness center. Tonight that had to change. It was either jump on one of these machines, or break my daily exercise streak. I chose the machine called the Zero Runner (because that is precisely how much I like to run… Zero). This thing had me sweating in under five minutes. I lasted just over 20 minutes (1....

January 23, 2023 · 1 min · Kris Edwards

Airport Food And Indoor Walks

I’m currently in Salt Lake City waiting to board my flight for Spokane. My wonderful, new water bottle that Eliana bought me is back in Billings where I stupidly left it. 😠 I am able to use the app that came with it though, just manually adding whatever I consume. Obviously I couldn’t travel with my protein shakes, and didn’t want to try to bring 5 nights worth of keto stuff with me, so I’m dealing with airport food today....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

Week 3 Results and a Surprise Gift

To my knowledge, I have about 4 regular readers of my daily ramblings: Brook Lynn My daughter, Eliana Grace My mom, Molinda Brook’s mom, Tina It’s been encouraging to get some feedback and interest in what I’m doing, especially from my kiddo. It’s not always easy for dads and daughters to maintain a good relationship in the teen years. We live in different worlds, but we’ve managed to stay close (even though I’m sure she doesn’t tell me everything that she has going on....

January 21, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

Frozen Shoulder

My right shoulder has been bothering me for about eight months and now I know why. I have Frozen Shoulder, a.k.a. Adhesive Capsulitis. I’m not in constant pain, which I am grateful for, but the pain can go from 0 to blackout level with one wrong move (ask me how I know.) I can get it slightly above parallel and no more. Kind of a marching zombie position, I guess....

January 20, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

Preparing For Travel

Ah, travel…enemy of the diet. At least, it can be - if you let it. It’s pretty easy to rationalize taking a pause when you’re out of your normal environment. You’re forced to eat out You’re probably socializing with people who don’t have your eating restrictions You assume that you’ll just get back on track as soon as you get home. Don’t do it! 😩 Like I said, I’ve done this diet before, and it works....

January 19, 2023 · 3 min · Kris Edwards

What I'm Eating

I’m getting settled into somewhat of an eating routine, so I thought I’d give you some examples of the things I’m consuming on a regular basis. I’ve been starting the day with a low-carb protein shake within the first two hours of waking up. After that, a small afternoon snack (e.g. a couple of pieces of celery with some low-carb dip). If I’m hungry before dinner I’ll have a second shake, but that’s usually not the case....

January 18, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

Apple Fitness Plus

I’ve been lamenting the inevitable Montana winter weather and the fact that it will require a new plan for exercise. I decided to try Apple Fitness+ for a month and see if I get any benefit from it. I had planned to try it today, but the weather was nice and my daughter was willing to take a walk with me - no need for more time indoors. Work and family have me traveling to Spokane next week (Sunday - Saturday) and I have to be sure to get my daily exercise and stick to my diet....

January 17, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

My First Video Update

If I’m going to post a video of me talking to the camera (which isn’t easy for a recluse like me), I’m going to save myself some keystrokes. Somewhere around 5 minutes in, I said I have a “shoulder energy”…. that should have been a “shoulder injury”. Walking Weather Freezing fog _ - _ - _ - 30(28) °F _ - _ - _ ↙ 4 mph _ - _ - _ - 0 mi 0....

January 16, 2023 · 1 min · Kris Edwards

This Is Amazingly Good

Today I received a very encouraging note…from my phone. I’ve been wearing a smart watch for a couple of years now and I typically receive ‘high heart rate’ warnings throughout the day. My resting heart rate has been in the upper 120’s for some time and would jump into the 140’s from a not-so-brisk walk around the neighborhood. Not good. Today, I got a notification from my phone that my resting heart rate had decreased 😌...

January 15, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards

Week 2 Results

As predicted, no movement in the scale this week. I feel like I’ve gained some muscle in my legs, so I’m hoping that has something to do with it. I’m currently wearing a shirt that previously looked like it was going to send a button or two flying across the room whenever I sat down; now it fits properly. Perhaps next week will be more dramatic. You hang in there…I’ll do the same....

January 14, 2023 · 2 min · Kris Edwards