Today did not go as planned, but I’ll spare you most of my complaining and just hit the highlights

  • Due to technical issues, work tasks took longer than normal
  • My walk was too short
  • For some reason I chose to wear some sort of mesh fabric dress shoe on a winter walk in Montana
  • I did not do my core exercises

So, there’s the bad stuff…BUT - I didn’t screw up my eating. I haven’t tallied today’s calories, but I stayed clear of the Kryptonite. I’m not sure why I felt so lazy today, but it was hard to get motivated to do anything. In fact, even putting on my usual footwear seemed like too much of a chore (all those laces and things), so I opted to wear something that I could slip on easily. They were fine for Sam’s Club, but not so great for my walk through the snow-covered park. My socks were soaked within the first 50 feet of the walk and the treads were not sufficient for the ice. Lots of slipping and quick sprawls. I managed 1.5 miles on the trail and then I was ready to go home and wring out my socks.

The weather should be decent tomorrow, so perhaps the kid and I will find something adventurous to do. I look forward to a better report for tomorrow.

Walking Weather

  \  /       Partly cloudy
_ /"".-.     +39(32) °F
  \_(   ).   ↗ 16 mph
  /(___(__)  9 mi
             0.0 in

Current Stats

Weight Exercise Water
227 1.5 mile walk > 100 oz


238 lbs
of 53 lbs
185 lbs