I’ve often thought about how easy it is for us to get food. I mean, I’m not that old, but I remember my grandmother telling me stories of growing and raising their own food. In 1920’s eastern Kentucky, that was the way. You had to burn a lot of calories just get calories to burn. Not so these days. I’m grateful for the access, but it’s not the best for my physique.

One of my biggest food-related problems is eating when I’m bored. Seems like a problem with a simple solution, right? Just don’t get bored. That’s normally not too tough for me. I have plenty activities to occupy my time when I’m at home, but it’s a little harder on the road. I wasn’t prepared for so many hours in this room with a fridge full of snacks that Brook Lynn sent. (For the record, the fridge was “full” three days ago…now, not so much.)

Should you choose to try something similar, I suggest you get some hobbies (hobbies that you’re not accustomed to eating food while doing them.) Keep your brain full and your mouth empty.

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