After my workout at 9Round, I felt great! Today…not so much. I probably could have struggled through something, but it just seemed like a good time to take a recovery day. I will be back at it tomorrow.

The plan is to start with a core workout in the morning (after Brook goes to work…she don’t need to see that) followed by some strength training in the evening. I most likely won’t be taking any outdoor walks for a couple of days. Not only is it cold, but there’s a lot of ice on the roads which is not great for traversing the hills in my neighborhood.

I know I’ve been adamant about exercising every day, but you have to listen to your body. Today, my body told me to back off, so I did. It was a good (and well deserved) break, but I’m feeling guilty and anxious to get back to the grind.

Short post today, but I wanted to thank my sweet and perfect Brook Lynn for cooking a wonderful dinner: Tuscan Chicken, cauliflower mash, green beans, and chocolate cake with icing - All keto-compliant…all delicious.

Staying Inside Weather

Weather report: billings

      \   /     Clear
       .-.      15(5) °F
    ― (   ) ―   ↗ 19 mph
       `-’      9 mi
      /   \     0.0 in

Current Stats

Weight Exercise Water
226.2 😩 ~80


238 lbs
12.2 of 53 lbs
185 lbs

Cover photo by Ignacio Hernandez on Unsplash