This site is a work in progress.

I have been trying to setup a workflow that allows me to make quick updates as easily as possible. Ironically, there is a lot of work involved in simplifying a process.

For now, I make my updates in a single Emacs org-mode document. When I edit the document, the new content is automatically pushed to github, which is then ingested and hosted by Netlify and rendered using Hugo.

So far, this system works; however, I expect there will be several changes in appearance and functionality before I am satisfied. I would have liked to have had it perfect by 1/1, but that is a form of procrastination that I am all too familiar with. Please forgive any disruptions and look forward to improvements.

For my daily exercise, a (slightly longer) 1.3 mile walk through the neighborhood at 33°F.

Today’s Walking Weather

  \  /       Partly cloudy
_ /"".-.     35(31) °F
  \_(   ).   ↗ 8 mph
  /(___(__)  9 mi

Current Stats

Current Weight Exercise Water Intake
236.4 1.37 mile walk ~96 oz 😦