Ah, travel…enemy of the diet. At least, it can be - if you let it.

It’s pretty easy to rationalize taking a pause when you’re out of your normal environment.

  • You’re forced to eat out
  • You’re probably socializing with people who don’t have your eating restrictions
  • You assume that you’ll just get back on track as soon as you get home.

Don’t do it! šŸ˜©

Like I said, I’ve done this diet before, and it works. I’ve been successful the other two times I fully committed to sticking to it. So what happened? Why did I get fat again?1

Well, for me, it started with my “Free Day”.

That’s your one day a week that you get to freely eat whatever you want. It was fine for a while. I didn’t have the capacity to go as crazy with food as I had prior to losing the weight, but…I fell into the rationalization trap. I started bargaining with myself because there always seemed to be a reason to do so. “Oh, it’s your birthday on Saturday? Sure I’ll help you celebrate wit some nachos and cake. I’ll just move my free day from Sunday to Saturday.” “Oh, that barbecue place up the street is bringing free lunch to the office on Friday? I’ll just move my free day to Friday.

The point is: There’s always a reason to get off track. Always.

Traveling is no different. You have to remind yourself of your commitment and stick to your guns. That’s exactly what I have to do next week while am in Spokane. Just so you know, if I can’t do what I’m telling you to do…If I fall off the wagon, I will shamefully confess it right here. I will tell the world that I am incapable of keeping a promise to myself and have no self control when it comes to food. Yeah, I don’t want to do that. I’m just going to not screw up.

In fact, I’m going to go a step further…

My true love, fiancĆ©e, and diet partner, Brook Lynn, allegedly reads this stuff every day. Brook Lynn, if you’re reading this, I hereby challenge you to a competition next week: Whoever loses the most weight next week gets a delicious steak dinner prepared by the loser (keto-friendly, of course). Steak, asparagus with Hollandaise, and some sort of cauliflower mash (at least that’s what I want when if I win). The loser will also do all shopping and cleanup. If you agree, please comment below šŸ˜‰

Cover Photo by Ambitious Creative Co. - Rick Barretton on Unsplash

Walking Weather

  \  /       Partly cloudy
_ /"".-.     +37(30) Ā°F
  \_(   ).   ā†’ 12 mph
  /(___(__)  9 mi
	     0.0 in
Night Walking in My Hilly Neighborhood

Current Stats

Weight Exercise Water
231.1 šŸ˜• 2.1 miles ~110 oz

Well šŸ’© . I seem to be stuck in the 230’s - BUT that will change. I’ve had zero screw ups on my diet (other than not drinking enough water), and I’ve not missed a day of exercise. I’m eating less and moving more, so I know the scale will eventually reflect that…I just wish it would f#%@ing hurry up!

  1. For the record, I lost 60 lbs and only put on 1/2 of that in 5 years, so I didn’t get as fat again šŸ˜‰ ↩︎